Saturday, 5 April 2014

"Always pass on what you have learned." 5 good tips from Master Yoda

These days are quite hectic and full of things to do.

In this big flow of information, targets, flights and small things and with so little hours to sleep and rest I must admit I have thought about my Blog very little this week.
In reality when I woke up this morning, feeling a little bit like Sting waking up again in his clothes (sorry for this parallel that might seem a little presumption but look at this please...)

I had no idea on what to talk about this morning.
Then, a new friend of mine, saved my day. We were talking about the types of protections that men are creating to protect themselves.

Anger, Hate, Fear and Suffering.

That's quite close to what one of the characters that I loved most, used to say. Master Yoda.

I have then to pick 5 of his best quotes, the 5 that I think can give good pieces of advice to everybody.

Ah, I could not find who was the screenwriter for Yoda's part. It should be Lawrence Kasdan but I am not sure. What I am sure about is that he has created a gem on the cinema world.

1) Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

This is one of the basis of the psychology. We create an artificial shield to protect ourselves from what we fear and make us suffer. We need to understand what we are fearing and build a positive shield not to destroy but to positively channel the anger and not let the things go to the wrong direction.
In a word... Be a Jedi

2) (Luke) I can't believe it. (Yoda) That's why you fail

This idea was also taken by Guy Kawasaki on the video I posted on last week (see my Marketing in the facebook era Post)
To take step forwards you must "Believe to see" not "See to believe". Only if you fully trust on your ideas you'll reach the goal you've in mind.

3) If no mistake have you made, yet losing you are... a different game you should play

This, together with the next one, is the basic of what you need to get out of your comfort zone. It is impossible to go out of what you do, always, and make no mistake. People learn from mistakes. 
No mistake, nothing to learn. You're still in your backyard.

4) You must unlearn what you have learned

Again, that's the basic of moving to the next level. It's like if you're doing a sport since when you were a child. Nobody taught you how to do it. This happened to me with tennis. I am not a good player but I took some lessons with a master that changed some aspects of my game. I was getting worse instead of improving. Then after having practiced I became being better, and better and better.
To move on the next level you need to be prepared to do that, even if this mean to change what you've done since you were born.

5) TRY NOT. Do or do not. There is no try

This is by far my favorite. Don't be stopped by your fear of not being able to make it. The fear is just a screen that is between yourself and what you want to do.
Delete the "I'll do my best approach" and replace it with "I will do this".

That's all for today. I wish you a great Jedi week.

Ah, sorry... also the title was a quote from Yoda. Actually I found 6 good quotes and I did not want to skip one. I used that as a title but it is as important as the others.


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