About me

It was 1971.

People was dressing like this

and the radios were playing "Imagine" and "Ain't no sunshine" (I definitely like this more)

It has been a great year for innovation.

Intel launched the 4004, the first microprocessor that has started the Computer era and the LCD was first used in Switzerland.

I was born in Feltre on that year. Same year of Lance Armstrong, Mary J.Blige (so proud of this) and Pete Sampras.

My life has always been quite normal.

Football, school, family...

A decent midfielder (until I broke my ligament), a good pupil and a great family.

Finished my University in Padua and got my Degree in Mechanical Engineering. I had the great luck to win a scholarship and go to Glasgow.
This widened my mind.
Once back I started working in the Export Sales.
Different business: Electric Heaters, Gears, HVAC, Industrial cooling but always found someone that has given me something to grow.

I learnt a lot.

I learnt from great Managers, from fantastic persons and successful entrepreneurs.
I learnt that "Strategy is about BEING different" and not just saying you are different.
I learnt that innovation and immagination are priceless.
And also is that we have two ears and one mouth because we need to listen twice as much as we talk.

Listening, reading and learning is what I try do everyday.

And while doing this I also try to share this with people who work with me and now, with this Blog, with people that want to follow me.
I use this Blog as a small Diary. Repetita iuvant. It is good to repeat things because only when you repeat things they become part of your mindset.
Don't expect a writer though. I will share my things with you in a simple and direct way.
As simple and direct as I am.


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